Friday, September 28, 2012

Tool #11

For your final 11 Tools post, answer these questions:

1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools.

My favorite tools are embedding videos into the blog so that students could have a tutoring center for questions on homework. Also, I want to take advantage of the opportunity to collaborate with each other and other classes in order to promote horizontal learning. I definitely want to take advantage of using Edmodo to collaborate with the other classes to create a review. 

2. How have you transformed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom? How has your vision for your classroom changed? Are you going to need to make any changes to your classroom to accommodate the 21st Century learner?
I realize now how important it is to have the technology incorporated into my classroom. It makes it more entertaining for them and less difficult for me. I feel like it will really individualize the learning experience for each student. I will definitely change my lesson plans because I will now think about how I can release control to the students to learn.

3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

I was not surprised by the section on digital citizenship, but I did think it was helpful to me because it brought up a lot of points that I might now have thought of to discuss with the students. 

Tool #10

Being a responsible digital citizen means that they understand that it is to be used for purposeful collaboration. I want to teach them about the safety of putting things on the internet and about how they are permanently on there. Also, I want to teach them that the material that is on the internet is other people's work and that it is never acceptable to just copy someone else's work. I plan to show them the video about understanding digital citizenship before they are allowed to use the technology. I will play a game of "Do's and Don'ts by modeling different internet behaviors. Also, they will need to sign a contract with me about the appropriate use of the technology letting me know that they are agreeing to be responsible. I would share these with the parents after giving them a debrief on the things that the students agreed to.

Tool #7

I think it would be a good idea to share assignments with the 7th grade math classes. It would be a cool thing  to use Edmodo and have a 3 day project that one day, one class works on it for one teacher, another class for another teacher  does another part, and another one does the 3rd part. Then we can put them together to create a whole presentation to show all the classes. We could use it for the Unit 4 on Multiplying and Dividing fractions. One teacher could do the how to multiply, one teacher could do how to divide, and one could do the mixed application part. Then we could put it together for the review for the students as their review.

Tool #6

I will use Edmodo in my classroom by creating a quiz for students to take when I am using stations for review. It will allow me to be able to have all students work on the same thing and give me feedback while I work the other stations. I am going to use Skype to try to get different professionals to skype with the class so that students can see how math has real world applications. It will be like interviews so that I can get the students to broaden their horizons for future possibilities.